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i just donated $5,000 enjoy  ;)

I am so looking forward for the full release!
I enjoyed the puzzles and the dialog from the puppets, very funny!
Here is my video 

The game's very interesting and it looks great as well. I kinda wish walking backwards was a tad bit faster. But overall, this game's gonna do great.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

With such an original idea and a demo that already has the qualtiy of a full version, this game will certainly go very far.

This is a fantastic game, the characters are well done, their chatter is interesting and intriguing. The puzzles are fun and I can't wait for the full game. Wishlisted on Steam instantly. 

This was The creepiest thing off 2022 So far. But I enjoyed it lls

(1 edit)

This game is definitely different than most of the horror games I’ve played on I loved how the characters had different voices and the voice lines were very random and weird. Since this is a demo I felt a bit disconnected from the story. Perhaps the full version will be more along the story line. Might check out it out when it’s here.

Absolutely LOVED this game just because I was so terrified by those puppets. Can't wait for the full release! Keep it up

truly worth the hype. need more now. 

This game was amazing!

Like and Subscribe!

There is many things I felt really impressed with in this game! Not only was it fantastic for being a Demo, but I've never played anything like it before! The Atmosphere, Visuals, Animations & Sound Design were really well made, and I also feel this game easily ruined my childhood of Sesame Street, but in the best way possible!

The only thing I feel like could be changed is how much the enemies talked or toned down their volume a bit, cause all the rambling can get a bit overwhelming. Other then that I really enjoyed my experience, and look forward to the full release of the game!

Some of the best voice acting ever.

Longer game than I thought as a "demo" but loved every moment of it! Can't wait to actually play the full story and see what is going on around here! :

this game was very very surprising to play. very well optimized and ver intriguing with the world around me. you bet i'm playing the full version when it's out!

I CANT WAIT FOR THIS FULL GAME TO COME OUT! Wow! what a great game! This was so incredibly creepy! The things that these puppets say.... jeez. I hope you guys enjoy my video and review of this game! Please like and sub to the channel if you do ! Thanks guys xo

why would you do this to me uwu;;

This was extremely well-made. Looking forward to the full version.

Man these puppets are talkers! They are funny as hell, though! Good stuff so far!


(1 edit)

actually good game.maybe you're gonna be dizzy at first becuase there are many rooms but after playing for awhile you will be ok.

This was amazing! The mechanics, the voice acting, the scares, all of it was fantastic and done so well! I look forward to the full game! 

Amazing game! Funny but still scary! Absolutely love it and I can't wait for the full game!

Damn, this is pretty good! Its not really scary but its really well made. I'll have to check this out again when the full version is ready.  Thanks for the fun!


the best itchio demo iv played all year if you want to see my full reaction/playthrough of this here it is

if you checked it out i appreciate you and i hope you have a good day regardless

Made a video

Loved the game sadly didnt make it to to far due to time constraints on my video. Added it to my three free horror games series spot 1

Very fun game. Great work! 



🔲 My 90-year-old grandma could play it 

🔲 Easy

✅ Normal  

🔲 Hard

🔲 "Dark Souls"

- Accessibility -

🔲 Easy to figure out 

✅ Takes some time to figure out

🔲 Hard to figure out

🔲 Very Unclear


🔲 "MS Paint"

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

🔲 Graphics don't matter in this game

🔲 Decent

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

✅ Masterpiece

- MUSIC && SFX - 🔲 None

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

🔲 Good

✅ Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ simulator/Shooter

🔲 Like playing "Temple Runners" for the story

🔲 It's there for the people who want it

✅ Well written

🔲 Epic story  


✅ Free

🔲 Underpriced

🔲 Perfect price

🔲 Could be cheaper

🔲 Overpriced

🔲 Complete waste of money


🔲 You can run it on a microwave

✅ Average

🔲 High end

🔲 "NASA" computer


🔲 Super Short  (0-10 minutes)

🔲Very short (0 - 1 hours)

(haven't played it fully)

✅ Short (1 - 10 hours)

🔲 Average (10 - 30 hours)

🔲 Long (30 - 70 hours)

🔲 Extremely long (70 - 110 hours)

🔲 No ending

- FUN -

🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry

🔲 Hard to enjoy

🔲 Repetitive

🔲 Actually pretty scary

✅ Ride of your life (ADD the infinite ammo cheat on the shotgun too)


🔲 It's a one-time experience

🔲 Only for achievements

🔲 If you wait a few months/years

🔲 Definitely (you can always go back and improve and is still enjoyable

✅ Infinitely replayable

Special Thanks to BLUEY from Steam (Creator of the template)

- MARKETING - (How well your game page)

🔲Very Weak (No photos/videos/Description/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Weak ( No photos/videos/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Good (No videos/ External Links + Devlogs)

✅Great (has all the above)

 Hey! I played your game on my stream! Watch it to see the live review!  Here's the link for it: 😄

  I would also appreciate if you could give an opinion on our latest game. Game devs advice is precious because we know better what it takes to make something work. It's called "Backdoor Shifts".


hilarious new video up check it out 


Me gusta el jueo tiene muy buena calidad, aqui dejo mi video probandolo


Love the Demo you've put so much work into this its awesome

Love the cheat codes and the little add on you've created within the demo

Gameplay BR

All secrets found!!!

This demo is absolute FIRE! Keep up the great work.

I literally cant wait for the full release this is such a good game and actually pretty scary!

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